Placing a Pagan temple in a Christian town can cause the same problems.

Building a Christian church in a mainly Pagan province will result in considerable unrest and possibly even rebellion. Religion affects a settlement's happiness considerably. This can take a long time for the non-Roman factions. If you want to change your State Religion from one to another, you have to find a family member with the Religious trait you want, and then make him the heir, then the leader. For this reason the player should consider religion carefully when deciding who to make the faction heir. The faction leaders religious trait has a huge effect on what religion new characters follow for example if your faction leader has the Christian trait, nearly all new characters will have the Christian trait as well. Any settlement that has a different Official Religion than the State Religion gets 10% unrest. The Settlement Official Religion is determined by buildings present, or by the governor if there is no building, or by faction leader if there are neither. The State Religion is determined by the faction leaders religion (check traits and ancillaries). Religious conversion rates in a given region are effected by characters and buildings in the given region, and by the official religion of neighboring regions.Įach settlement has an Official Religion, and each faction has a State Religion. Most characters and nearly all generals have a religious belief. There are three religions Christianity, Paganism and Zoroastrianism. In the early days of the Empire, religions could quite easily co-exist peacefully but times have changed and religious unrest is now very common. Religion has become extremely important in people's lives. However, in the Barbarian Invasion expansion religion has been reworked entirely. In Rome: Total War, all factions all can build monuments to their gods which only affect the settlement. Whereas gods of war tend to give military based bonuses, other gods or goddesses can for example make a region's farms more effective or will improve the health and happiness of the local citizens. These temples grant bonuses which are in accordance with the role of the respective god. The factions can build various temples or shrines to different gods. In Rome: Total War religion plays a rather minor role.